Dara Rosenwasser, artist and SLO Arts Council Board Member, David Limrite, artist, and Rev. Mark Sturgess, Pastor, San Luis Obispo United Methodist Church are the Beacon Art Show’s 2022 jurors. Dara, David and Mark will be awarding six merit prizes to the best show entries: one each at $400, $350, $250, and three at $150.
David Limrite Resources
Mark’s gifts and passions for ministry include preaching, teaching and worship; coaching traditional congregations to spiritual health and vitality; post-modern biblical interpretation; and advocacy for full inclusion of LGBT Christians in the life the church. He has recently published essays in “Connections: a Lectionary Commentary for Preaching and Worship” from Westminster John Knox Press, and reflections on the relationship of beauty and ministry in the Austin Seminary Faculty Journal, Insights. Mark also happily serves as household staff for his two cats: Buddy and Molly.